Europe of our lives

In this project different institution from the European Union will work together to incorporate the technique of digital storytelling to the teaching of curriculum content and to create, produce, share and exchange a series of digital stories about relevant issues such as Migration, Fundamental Human Rights, Education, Health Promotion or Job Search.
Our goal is to go beyond the mere teaching of ICT. We want to use them as a tool of expression and personal and social communication, make these tools available to our students so that they are who take the control to recreate and create stories that have to do with their personal, social or labor needs; stories related to identity, cultural heritage of their environment, their city and their country, with the past, present and future of our European societies, with equity and social justice. We want to use the technique of digital story for active job search, the expression of ideas and thoughts or production of learning content in a creative and meaningful way and to share them with others at a European level, becoming producer and consumer of culture. We want to learn to use ICT to not only to access to that great library that is internet, or managing daily procedures such as online banking or to ask for a doctor appointment, etc., but also to become producers of learning content.
Our main objective is to use the digital technique of digital storytelling to express our inner world, as well as our desires and aspirations, and the main conflicts that has our current society; recreation and sharing, in the last phase, with digital means at our disposal.
We want to use technology to take control over it, as means of expression, communication and recreation of our own history. Researching into our past, at a personal and community level, do research into our cultural heritage and share with other European citizens, making it a new content. Investigate common problems to the common, European society related to social justice, employment, the right to work, emigration, and go beyond, trying to recreate new solutions and alternatives to current problems, using as means new technologies adding our own voice, music, our feelings and ideas.
The exchange and dissemination of cultural content are fundamental for our project; exchange and dissemination will help increase awareness of citizens of other countries from a more personal perspective, the experience of European feeling and belonging to a wider community; telling and hearing stories of our « worlds » will become a powerful engine of cultural enrichment that facilitate the sense of belonging to a wider community, such as the European. CEPER FUENSANTA Spain


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